President Lyndon B. Johnson: The Most Significant Role In The Vietnam War

Words: 1607
Pages: 7

Jesus Rosas
Short Answer Rewrite 1.) President Lyndon B. Johnson played the most significant role in the Vietnam War at least in the negative sense.The Vietnam War had started because of the North Vietnam government and the Viet Cong with their desire to reunify the country but with different views on how the government should run their unified country. This divide would then gain the attention of the United states because of the North vietnamese and their communism ideals. To stop the spread of communism all over europe the U.S helped the south vietnamese. After the presidents Dwight Eisenhower and John F Kennedy, Lyndon would be the one to really impact the War. At first Lyndon had pledged that he would not send any “American Boys” to Vietnam and that
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. In the long run however, this pledge would not last because he would be sending military troops that would later reach the count of 500,000 that would be fighting in the Vietnam War. Johnson was a firm supporter of South Vietnam and their fight against the North. He was also very stubborn because as major protests to the draft and about the war in general broke out he did not listen and instead stated that he did not want to be “The first American president to lose a war.” This stubbornness and overall aggressiveness for the war effort was his downfall and lead to his approval rates to plummet to an all time low. He would later announce that he would not seek reelection and by the last eight month of his presidency would announce that peace talks have started with both sides. He would have impacted the Vietnam War significantly because of his stubbornness in not wanting to be the first president to lose a war. Despite this war having huge losses no