Pride In Beauty And The Beast, Snow White And Cinderella

Words: 636
Pages: 3

Azzam Algoraee
English Composition 1


The environment around people plays an important role in formulating their personalities. Because of that, people have different characteristics that influence each other. Good manners have positive results. On the other hand, bad behaviors negatively impact others regardless of their ages. Immoral habits, such as pride, can be evil conducts or deep feelings that lead to loss respect and trust between people. In order to avoid these habits, fairytales and fables are used significantly to provide awareness of evil behaviors to people. Likewise, pride has been represented to children in many stories and fairytales such as Beauty and the Beast, Snow White and Cinderella. Pride is an inner emotion that makes individuals
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In Cinderella fairytale, the stepmother took advantage of her and also the daughters made Cinderella their servant because of their narcissism and pride. They forced Cinderella to cook, clean and do laundry, they even did not allow her to eat with them. The story represents that kind of pride which caused animosity and hurting poor people, it gives an obvious picture of pride effects. This is the darkest side of pride that people must stand against especially when it extends beyond an individual. As an illustration, Nowadays, banning people from getting benefits or help because of their different color, race or religion could be consequences of narcissism.

In brief, pride may come in different ways and lead to a lot of things; many immoral conducts define and demonstrate pride. It means ignoring and insulting others, rejection realities or abusing poor people. These forms could be learned from real life by adults or from stories and fairytales by children. Everybody ought to realize the danger of these behaviors and avoid them to keep themselves