Printing Press Dbq

Words: 653
Pages: 3

Exploration or Reformation what was more important consequence of the printing press? “Gutenberg invented the first practical printing press in the 1450’s. His invention came as a mile stone event in the evolution of human communication” (Background Essay). The purpose of this paper is to explain which of exploration or reformation the upmost important consequence of the printing press were.
To start off, the exploration of the printing press came from the Chinese who had Woodblock printing in 600 CE which they experimented with movable wooden type that had 50,000 characters with the idea of carvings of each character was impossible (Background Essay). When the printing press was first used in 1471 the locations were only about 15 printing presses in Europe. When the spread came across Europe the printing press began to multiple quickly in the 1500’s (Doc A). According to the Background Essay, During the Middle-Ages Monks wrote manuscript books with pen and ink in a copying room known as a scriptorium. Even a small book could take months to complete. A book the size of the Bible could take several years. Thus leading to in 1455 Gutenberg printing 180
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Without the Exploration of the Printing press there would be no Reformation. The reformation of the printing press were the effects the Printing press had on society for an example the spread of literature by copying the bible much faster influence Europe from going to just Catholic to both Catholic and Protestantism. Without having to explore language their would’ve been no reformation to the new type of language that came known 25,000 years after mankind depended on sign language. The Printing press was a milestone event in evolution of human communication. The point is to prove how either or when in reality Reformation made things better from the exploration of those specific things like the