Problem Of Evil Mackie Analysis

Words: 1046
Pages: 5

Problem of Evil The issue I will be addressing is whether God exist, based on the Problem of Evil. The problem of evil is presented by J.L Mackie and thoroughly details how the basic characteristics of God, as both omnipotent and omnibenevolent God, cannot coincide with the simple existence of evil in this world. I will state two objections to this argument along with responses to counter my own objections and finally why these counter examples are not sufficiently persuasive. Mackie’s argument that an all-powerful and wholly good God cannot exist simultaneously with the presence of evil is inaccurate because of the sense of greater good and allowance of free will. Mackie’s Problem of Evil simply states: if God, in his very nature, is wholly good and all powerful, evil cannot exist. Since there is no argument for the lack of evil in the world God’s character is compromised and he must lack either complete goodness or total power. This is because a wholly good God would not allow evil to exist in the world and if he is, in fact, an all-powerful God He would have the ability to control if evil exist. Due to the inability of the aforementioned qualities of God to exist simultaneously in a world filled with evil, believers must look further to into the depth of God’s goodness and power for answers. While Mackie is credited for having a …show more content…
Through giving free will, God allows us to have active participation in our own lives as opposed to being predesigned to make certain choices, as in a world with no free will. While this may seem to lack power, it proves to coincide with his goodness allowing us the ability to perceive the world the way we choose. God is not giving up power, but essentially proving His power more to us by allowing us to see the weakness in our choices, displaying a need for