Process Essay On Breast Feeding

Words: 745
Pages: 3

Many new mothers struggle with the decision on how to feed their newborn baby. Formula and breast milk are the only options of nutrition for babies, and while a can of formula has a few simple instructions on the can, breastfeeding has no label with instructions. Some people think their natural instincts will kick in when it comes to breastfeed, but it is not as easy as that. Even when someone explains the basic steps to a new mom, they tend to leave out some major facts a new mother needs to know. After all the bumps in the road a new mom may run into on their breastfeeding journey, rest assured it was well worth it. Learning how to breastfeed is easy, and by following a few basic steps you will be a pro in no time.
The first step on a new mother’s breastfeeding journey is keeping up with her own physical welfare. If a new mom is not properly caring for herself, then her milk supply can and will dwindle away.
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Many babies will continue to suckle even after the milk flow has ended, so you may have to unlatch the baby manually. Unlatching the baby improperly can damage the nipple, so do not just yank the nipple from the baby's mouth. Instead, gently insert the pinky finger into the side of the baby’s mouth to release the suction. This will cause the baby to lose hold of the nipple, allowing the nipple to be safely removed unharmed. After the baby has finished nursing, the baby will need a good burping. Since the baby cannot burp his or herself, it is up to you to make sure the baby is burped right. To burp the baby, you should face the baby away from you on your lap. While supporting his or her chest and head with one hand, gently pat his or her back with the other hand. After the baby burps, it is okay to offer the other breast, if you have not already done so. Just remember to follow the same steps as you did with the first