Procopius In The Secret History: The Construction Of Justinian

Words: 229
Pages: 1

Building projects, building policy: Justinian built new churches and suburbs as well as restored previous buildings in Constantinople (Procopius, Buildings of Justinian, 40). One of Justinian many projects was to fortify the fortress Dara. The fortress of Dara was surrounded by two walls with towers and ditches filled with water (Procopius, Buildings of Justinian, 45).
Procopius in the Secret History believes that Justinian spent large sums on money, as well as used money to pay off the Huns (Procopius, Court of Justinian, 65). “Justinian also threw away great sums upon the construction of large moles” (Procopius, Court of Justinian, 66). Justinian also took large plots of land from people by convicting them of crimes or accepting it as a gift,