program planning Essay

Submitted By shugg2015
Words: 687
Pages: 3

Program Planning and Evaluation
Rosa Teal
June 28, 2015
HSM 270

Planning is an important part of the human service world as we know it today. Planning lays down the foundation for evaluation of many human service organization programs that are in existence. Planning main purpose to design and mold such programs so that run more effectively and are geared to meet specific human needs. With special consideration and clear discussion clear and defined goals and objectives are achieved. Program lining must account for also historical, present, and future expectations. Planning is designed upon a thorough assessment by only these indivuals who have been educated and trained in the human services field. Furthermore this assessment assist in maintaining a direction and focus for the targeted assistance that is needed. Thus planning and evaluation are the heart and soul of the human services organization.
Maintaining an ongoing evaluation will ensure that the program stays on course while at the same time meeting the needs of our clients and the demographic population we are trying to lend aid and help to. By doing this it provides providers with information informing them that the funds that are provided for the program are being used wisely and to its full potential. The evaluation is used to how well the agency is actually meeting its goals and mission. It also provides information such as stated objectives and ensuring that they are met and established in a timely manner. If not then at that time administrators can make changes that will truly meet the every need if their clients, at that time redirection of certain goals or objectives that are very important to aid those clients in the program. Obstacles are often best addressed when administrators and staff have these essentials tools at their fingertips. With following these methods funders are satisfied knowing that goals are being met in such programs. Assessment also allows room for the changing needs of our growing society The Santa Rosa Philharmonic Youth Symphony was originally constructed to equip their pupils to be successful in pursuing a career in the field of music. Through an intensive planning and program evaluation process, their music program will be successful in continuous monetary funding for the performing arts program and their music program. Since most programs major guarantor require that the program include three touring companies, a body of artists and fee exhibitions yearly, as well as locally created shows. Organizations that apply for this program must have an experience for two years in their desired target which is music, as well as a mandatory requirement and have at least one professional on their staff. With these requirements there is a lot of planning and organization that goes into