Project Management and Dr. Dennis Drinka Essay

Submitted By acelas24
Words: 467
Pages: 2

Spring Semester, 2010

Dear Potential Project Sponsor:
We would like to request your assistance and participation in a sequence of activities involving UAA College of
Business and Public Policy students. These students – primarily Management Information Systems majors – are enrolling in a series of linked courses that will culminate with the development of a substantial information system project. During this semester, students enrolled in the Analysis of Business Systems course will form teams and work to complete an analysis of a current system project. Each team of students will be required to:

identify an information system project, complete a feasibility assessment of the current system, complete an analysis of the current system, and develop a set of system analysis documents and final report.

Each of these tasks will be completed by the end of the semester. At that time, one or more faculty members who teach the Project Management and/or Systems Design and Implementation courses will select approximately two-thirds of these projects for continuation during the Fall 2010 semester.
As a sponsor of a project, you will receive both the feasibility assessment and final system analysis reports. After evaluating these documents, if you express an interest in continuing towards implementation, and if your project is selected for continuation, work on the project will resume in the Fall 2010 semester. There should be no monetary costs related to the services and / or documents provided by the students.
For this Spring semester, your participation in one of these projects would require you - or perhaps a small group of system users – to be available for several interviews and follow-up questions. Samples of current forms and other related materials may be needed for describing your current system. In all cases, any