Essay project proposal

Submitted By 63393009
Words: 376
Pages: 2

Project proposal

1-What is your research question?
What is the impact of the growth of Bob Hope Airport in California that based on airlines, passengers, and residents of the area?

2-What is your prediction of the results?
For my prediction of the result, I predict that the following data will develop to use various variables to provide information and different conditions of the growth of Bob Hope Airport in California in the project.

3-What will your empirical model be?

4-Will you do a cross-sectional or time series analysis?
I may use the time series analysis for the data in my project.

5-What will be your unit of observation?
For my unit of observation, it should be state level because the data that I found is about all airports on states in the United States.

6-What is the interpretation of each coefficient in your model?
Which one is the coefficient(s) of interest?
For the interpretation of each coefficient in the model, the coefficient in the empirical model is defined as Growth (G). Also, the following coefficients in the model, it represents price of airline tickets (Tickets), price of oil (Oil), income (Income), and population (Population). Each of the coefficients has an effect on the Growth coefficient and these are the coefficients of interest.

7-What sign do you expect the key coefficient(s) to have?
I expect the coefficients of price of airline tickets (Tickets), and price of oil (Oil) should have negative and direct influence