Proof For The Existence Of God

Submitted By patricialynn
Words: 2330
Pages: 10

God The mere claim, that there could be “Proof for the Existence of God,” seems to invite ridicule. As far as the ideal, that the Earth might be round. Not always are those who laugh first and think later right. Many well-known scientists now admit that certain discoveries tend to indicate that God rather does exist than not. However, if I picture God as being everywhere, surrounding us like air or awareness then, an understanding of what God is suddenly becomes real. Simply by looking at what constitutes our world, we can say that all matter consists of energy. How, then, do we know this energy exists? The simple answer is, we are aware of it. We then only have to find out how this awareness came about. Did it come from dead matter or lifeless energy as the materialists have us believe? Did Awareness exist first? Or did awareness co-exist with energy, out of which the awareness then formed matter? Is awareness the out-put, a by-product of electro-chemical activities in the brain. I am more certain considering our thoughts. Thinking is definitely an out-put. But, who is thinking and who is aware? Whether it is the whole universe or our own thoughts, who or what is the first cause? It is only logical to conclude that awareness cannot be the product of dead matter or life-less energy. For the universe to exist, something had to bring it into existence called first cause. The only thing that could qualify as this first cause is God. Therefore God exists. I am sure everyone would agree: if there is a God, then God has to exist and has to be aware of His own existence. That is the safest thing we can say without too much speculation. And, in fact, that is precisely what God is self-energetic awareness. I claim that God can be proven indirectly through very convincing circumstantial evidence and directly through personal experience. The body of circumstantial evidence that has been collected over the years is tremendous and by itself a proof simply through the overwhelming accumulation proofs. We fear death and seek assurance that survival is not only possible but guaranteed. Since we can only survive within a condition that is not undergoing constant change and decay, we need something that exists forever and is not subject to change such condition of eternal being known as God. Philosophy may lead to something we may call intellectual enlightening, intellectual knowledge that God does exist. We know that something is there to find that is of ultimate value, why stop there? Endless discussion over something that is within reach is of secondary quality to actually arriving at the destination. Philosophy real value is that it be used as a tool to give us the assurance that we need to start us on our path. Once we know for sure that ultimate knowledge of survival and God can be found I may ask these questions: Is the end worth all the trouble? Here one can turn to the advice and experiences of our saints, mystics, sages, self-realized persons, and to the scriptures in the bible. The value of heavenly bliss also made clear in this quote from the New Testament, “The Kingdome of Heaven is like this. A man happens to find a treasure hidden in a field. He covers it up again, and is so happy that he goes and sells everything he has, and then goes back and buys that field (King James, Matt. 13:44-46). Philosophers use the word argument in a somewhat different way, one that emphasizes the idea that arguments put forth reasons to accept a conclusion. Philosopher’s uses the term “argument” doesn’t imply the idea it often does when we use the term to suggest anger, emotion and hurt feelings. Rather arguments simply present a conclusion and suggest why certain reasons indicate that conclusion is true or probable (Mosser, 3). Ideally the participants try to establish their claims on the basis of evidence, reasons, and logic. Sometimes these arguments can become very heated, and some arguments have been known to lead to