Pros And Cons Of Abortion

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Pages: 8

Abortion is the removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus in order to end a pregnancy. It is considered a very delicate subject and even sometimes tabu among the population. Thus in some countries it’s very likely to happen. According to Alan Guttmacher’s Institute report: Sharing Responsibility Women, Society and Abortion Worldwide, China has the leading number of abortions with 7,930,000 each year. If we translate it, 26.1 per 1000 women are probable of doing an abortion. (GUTTMACHER 1999). In contrast, there are some countries where abortion in completely forbidden in almost all circumstances with a single exception. It is only authorized to save the woman’s life. These countries include Brazil, Guatemala, Sri Lanka, Colombia, Ireland, …show more content…
There are two forms of abortion: the abortion pill and surgical abortion. The abortion pill is medically known as mifepristone. According to the British pregnancy advisor. “It works by blocking the hormone progesterone. Without progesterone, the lining of the uterus breaks down and the pregnancy cannot continue”. The other type of abortion is the surgical abortion and it involves a minimal operation. There are two types of procedure. “A vacuum aspiration can be done up to fourteen weeks, or a dilatation and evacuation between fifteen and twenty-four weeks” (BPAS, …show more content…
I believe abortion should be taken into consideration whenever someone is rapped, if the baby is to be born with a very delicate condition that will compromise his/her life and if the mother’s life is at risk. Moreover, the decision must be taken by contemplating the doctor’s opinion and the patient’s interest. Thus, in these conditions I do not consider abortion a murder. What is the correct definition of a murder? According to the dictionary, a murder is “The unlawful killing of another human being without justification or excuse”. Abortions that derive from a rape for instance have a valuable justification. Imagine carrying a fetus inside you that every day would remind you of the traumatic situation you’ve been through. Following the reason of the bioethicist Andrew Varga, for nine months the women would keep reminding herself of the traumatic experience she has been through and would as a consequence compromise her mental health. Additionally, it has been reasoned that the women’s wellbeing has a superior value than the life of the fetus. The fetus is considered an invader to the women’s daily life and therefore in these cases, the bioethicist agrees that abortion is justified (VARGA, 2010). Hence, in such cases abortion has a strong reason to be done and should not be considered a murder. Nevertheless, abortions due to rapes are not that common. It is said that in the United States of