Pros And Cons Of Being An American Citizen

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Pages: 4

Growing up in America can be hectic and busy. Everything happens so quick-paced, you never know what’s happening next. How do you keep up with your responsibilities and duties as an American citizen? Then again, we are only 15 years of age, but we can learn from all the years our elders had on earth. Their life lessons can teach us how to become future leaders, so we can one day change the world and make a difference. Being an American citizen, some of my responsibilities include: keeping up with current events, respecting each other’s beliefs, obeying laws, and attending school.

As an American teenager, it is very crucial to know what is happening around the world. Current events are hard to keep up with and very fast-paced. Our phones take up a majority of our life and we don’t have much time to check the news, when we should easily be able to do so. In 2007, Pew Research Center for the People and the Press found a study that older Americans, that are 50 years and older know more than younger people. “Only 15 percent of 18-29 year
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The scary thing is you could break a law without even knowing these days. The most common laws that people break are speeding, texting, and drunk driving. Unfortunately, more than a third of people are not bothered at all by the fact that they broke the law, with 58% of those people of those saying the crimes are minor (How We All Break The Law Every Day, Even though this alarming statistic only applies to the UK, all around the world, people are breaking laws so much, that to them, it’s not illegal. Most of these you can stop with one simple sentence: Don’t do it. Yet, people still decide to disobey. Obeying law is a duty and a responsibility in the United States and I wish individuals everywhere would remember that when they are texting their friend half-intoxicated on their way home of a college party, because I know I sure