Pros And Cons Of Changing School Lunches

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Pages: 3

I think changing the schools may be good and may not be good because you will be taking away the kids favorite school lunches. What if you serve things that nobody eats then what will happen to all that food that was cooked? Will it go for the next day or into the trash were it is wasted and not touched? maybe before you change the food give a survey on the types of food your thinking of changing . Then maybe we can do like half and half. keep the stuff we like and then do healthier food that everybody will eat. Don't change unless you know its a really good idea. Sometimes changing things can be bad or can be good but honestly if you don't think it will improve things then don't do it. What if some kids cant eat the type of new healthier food …show more content…
Also the drinks is another thing what if we don't just want milk some kids are lactose and tolerant. Maybe have water or some juices out . It doesn't have to be pop or energy drink us kids like to drink so much but something different that we can have a choice about. Maybe think about all of this because these are good ideas to look into . If changing the food is what you want to do look into it , look at the options on it because we want a choice to we want to let you know how we feel about this, Some kids maybe think of changing the lunch and they will freak out and get mad or upset, but you have to realize we been eating the same lunches for awhile now and it would be weird to just look one day and its all gone, the lunch is different. We want a say , we want to know what new foods your talking about that will replace the old food we may like. So keep thinking because you will be surprised when the day comes you'll see angry , sad , and disappointment kids because you have the nerve to change the food. I would like your opinion as well too . You voice matters also that's why you decided to change the food but don't forget us like I've said. if you change the foods do something simple too because doing hard food may be too hard to