Pros And Cons Of Christopher Columbus Voyage

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Pages: 5

During his time Christopher Columbus made 4 Voyages to North America. Now, Columbus was good in the water, but not too so good on land. Prior to Christopher Columbus’ voyage, Spain's only ownership outside of Europe was the Canary Islands. Columbus examined mostly southward voyages of the Portuguese into the Atlantic and Africa. All 4 of Columbus’s voyages were unique from each other in some sort of way.
Columbus’s First voyage to North America was almost like a mistake. When Columbus first set out on his voyage he trying to find a quicker route to Asia by going west. What Columbus didn’t know was that there was a huge land mass blocking his way.The King and Queen of Spain gave Columbus three ships to sail, the Santa Maria, the Pinta, and the
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Columbus left Spain with six ships. Three of those ships went with him and the other three sailed to Isabela with supplies. One place Columbus discovered while sailing was Trinidad, a landmass with three hills and that was deeply religious. After discovering Trinidad, they ran into the cost of South America. Columbus got sick again , so they sailed to Hispaniola. Columbus arrived at the new city of Santo Domingo. Over the rule of Columbus, angry colonists revolted. With Columbus unable to put down the revolt, on humiliating terms he agreed to peace. With not enough for their troubles the colonists continued to grumble and sent the word back to Spain. Francisco de Bobadilla, royal commissioner, arrived at Santo Domingo and arrested Columbus. Columbus was sent home in chains in October, 1500. Columbus begs for one more chance. Ferdinand and Isabella said go ahead, but stay out Hispaniola, they think you’re in prison. Columbus sets up impossible tasks for him to complete on his voyage : Find China, Sail to the Holy Land, Kick the Muslims out, and Sail around the world. Columbus left Spain in May of 1502, he took his brother, his 13 year old son, and 140 other men on 4 ships. They arrived in Santo Domingo in June 1502, and tried to enter the harbor to get away from the hurricane. Columbus was not welcomed and his warning of the hurricane was mocked. THe Hurricane hit, but