Pros And Cons Of Congressional Fundraising

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Pages: 3

Night of the Living Congressional Fundraiser Congressional fundraising should be limited for politicians due to the fact that it requires too much time, corrupts the U.S political system, and the process can also be seen as inhumane. Congressional fundraising is a process where candidates can raise money to finance their campaign. Candidates have various ways to raise money. In general the two main ways are holding fundraising events and calling strangers for donations. When a candidate accumulates enough money, they can use the funds to advertise their campaign or hold assemblies. Theoretically, this is how congressional fundraising should work, but not anymore.

Congressional fundraising is currently mutating into some sort of creature that is attempting to destroy the political system. One example is that congressional fundraising takes an exorbitant amount of time to execute. The reason why candidates are still fundraising after they are elected is because of their financial responsibilities. After a
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Despite all of these negatives, congressional fundraising cannot be totally removed from our political system. Congressional fundraising is ingrained into our political system. Some businesses feed off of congressional fundraising because hosting these events can bring in revenue and publicity. If congressional fundraising totally was removed from the government system the economy will be destroyed. Following this, the government will need to create new system while fixing the economy and the political system. The answer to this problem is to limit the amount of time a politician can fundraise. Then slowly the government can implement laws that weaken the power of congressional fundraising. This will help politicians focus on their real job and prevent the economic crash. The government must be careful fixing congressional fundraising because it is like disarming a nuclear