Pros And Cons Of Drinking Pop

Words: 506
Pages: 3

Is diet pop or regular pop better to drink? I feel that drinking pop is very unhealthy so I drink mostly water and a lot of electrolyte drinks. But if I had to drink pop I would drink regular pop because of one I never liked the taste of diet and second even though there may seems to be a lot of calories it really is nothing. One big thing that makes me think is, “Why would they call it “diet” pop if you gain weight?” It does not make sense to me if there is no calories then why would there involve people to gain any weight. It says in the article that “Artificial sweeteners found in diet sodas have been found to increase sugar cravings because it’s not a natural source of sugar and the brain continues to seek the real deal,” This means that your body will want to eat and drink even more. So I don’t know about you but I feel that no one will want to drink diet soda after they read about this. Even though there are good things and bad things about drinking diet pop. It does not leave residue on your teeth because of the unnatural sugars but the bad thing is there is acid which means it will strip the enamel off your pretty white teeth.