Pros And Cons Of Free Community College

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Down Sides to Free Community College The idea of free community college has been leaked around the country by former president, Barack Obama. He believes that students should no longer have to pay tuition at community colleges. The reason behind his idea is that community colleges are just extensions of high school; so if high school is free, why should community college not be free? Some agree and some have their critiques. Some say that community colleges are already cheap, almost given, so they should still pay. On the other hand, some say that free community college will drag the attention of more students meaning more transfer and more degrees. Community college should not be free because it already provides free tuition to low income students, campuses will get crowded, and less spending per student. Community college should not be free because it already provides free tuition to low income students, According to the article, “As He Promotes It, Some Question Obama’s Free Community College Idea”, written by Joanna Jacobs, it states that “tuition should not be …show more content…
This may seem like a good point, but in reality it's not. Community colleges are already small; they're meant to be small. With more students on campus, means “community colleges will end up with long[er] waiting lists”(Jacobs 3). With more students on campus, means more students in maximized classrooms causing the quality of teaching and education to go down for the student. In Joanna Jacobs’ article, the president of The Campaign for College Opportunity, Michele Siqueiros includes that “Affordability doesn’t help if a student can’t get into the right class or find help figuring out what classes to take”. I support her idea because it's true, what's the use of “free” community college if you don’t even have access to classes. I have already encountered these problems throughout my senior year of high