Pros And Cons Of Klu Klux Klan

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Pages: 3

The Klu Klux Klan was founded in the South as response to the Emancipation Proclamation. They harassed Catholics, Jews, African-Americans, women and bombed schools, churches, including violence against blacks. In 1928, Jim Crow Laws were created to seperate black and white people from even the slightest bit of contact. Activists used, during the Civil Rights movement, multiple strategies that resulted in both successes and failures.
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However, one of the many strategies activists used were speeches, protests, boycotts, legal cases, and riots. Speeches are the expression of or the ability to express thoughts and feeling by talking/speaking. Protests are an organized public demonstration expressing strong objection to
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President John F. Kennedy televised a speech of his, which was about racial discrimination. He explained that he wanted to pass legislation giving all Americans a right to public places. He also asked the Congress to give the federal government more power to end segregation in public education. A protest they had was the Civil rights Act. They were protesting banning discrimination based on race, religion, etc. They also did sit-ins and they would sit in cafes, hotels, restaurants, etc. A boycott that had happened was the Montgomery Bus Boycott. A lady, as the name of Rosa Parks, sat in a white seat and was arrested for refusing to give up her seat to a white man. Later, the U.S supreme court ordered the buses to integrate the system and MLK was one of the leaders of the boycott. A legal case that happened was Brown Vs the Board of Education which meant the Supreme Court wanted schools to integrate, more than 10 percent of Southern schools had to integrate. Lastly, a riot that was very popular was the Zoot Suit Riots. Zoot suit riots were when policemen, soldiers, sailors, and marines roamed the streets of L.A. They were looking for Mexican Americans to tear clothing off zoot suiters they