Pros And Cons Of Raising Minimum Wage

Words: 710
Pages: 3

Money Talks
Does minimum wage make a significant impact on our poverty level or job opportunities? The debate over raising minimum wage has become one of the most discussed topics in today’s society. Political leaders speak of raising minimum wage a substantial amount in order to benefit the general public, while others argue that raising the hourly rate will only cause harm to our humanity. While some present optimistic views with facts and statistics, the opposing viewers present many negative claims with hard evidence proving that those claims are the future if the minimum wage is raised. Raising the minimum wage has both pros and cons with unbreakable proof to prove both claims. While most criticizers and skeptics can come to an understanding on minimum
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Raising minimum wage means citizens are able to rely less on government assistance and more on their own pay checks. People would have to lean less on social programs, ultimately lowering taxes or relocating that money to a more needed area.
Decreasing the turnover rate is high on the benefit list for those who support a highly hourly rate. When employees are making more they are more comfortable and satisfied with their jobs which means less workers quitting because they feel inadequate or unappreciated. Ultimately, this means less new hires, not as much training, and fewer dollars spent.
Although there are strong points that support raising the minimum wage, there are also solid arguments that support keeping the rates where they are. The cons of raising minimum wage consist of an increased layoff number, a price increase in budgets, and higher competition rates.
An increased layoff rate will arise if minimum wage is increased. If an employer has a tight budget and the hourly rate is raised, the business can no longer compensate for the same number of employers at a higher rate, thus causing