Pros And Cons Of Space Privatization

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Pages: 4

Should we let inexperienced companies deal with our professional equipment? There has been many debates on whether or not space travel should be privatized. Should it really happen you may ask? Space privatization is letting private companies take over our space exploration system. Should we really let private space companies take over? Since the Earth only holds up so much space for people to live in, people have been considering human space colonizations. According to Hohler, "The current earth population is almost 6.8 BILLION people. Arguably beyond the carrying capacity of the earth already. The big dream is space colonization. We need somewhere to put all these people, or we all might end up living in skyscrapers, see all animal’s habitats destroyed, and smog up the air beyond what is breathable." (para. 7) However, we don’t know what’s out there quite yet and we still need time to discover what living conditions space has. These private industries might be taking too much time and money to complete what NASA has been trying to do for the past three decades. They …show more content…
It is a waste of time because we could use that time to complete other projects such as maintaining our Earth clean. According to Tech Crunch in, "Tyson described space travel as “a long-term investment”: “It’s an investment that private enterprise cannot lead.” He recalled the excitement around SpaceX’s delivery of cargo the International Space Station, which sparked discussion about whether private companies would replace government as the main engine behind space travel. Tyson’s response? “They brought cargo to the space station! NASA’s been doing that for 30 years!” (para. 5) We need the time to give to other people instead of wasting time on ourselves. Lastly, we need the time to capture new ideas for the future of mankind. These things are important because we need to spend time on our own Earth rather than just spending all the time on space