Pros And Cons Of The Revolutionary War

Words: 299
Pages: 2

The Revolutionary War separated the Indian nations since both the British and the United States tried to get them as allies. The American forces asked a portion of different Indian nations for their support in the war effort. General George Washington asked for warriors, and Massachusetts called for 500 Micmac and Maliseet Indians to join the Continental Army.
In 1777, the British met with many of the Iroquois nations in Oswego, New York and asked them to go to war with them against the Americans. Four of the six Nations which were Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga, and Mohawk confirmed their support and said they were ready to fight for the British. However, one of the basic foundations of the Iroquois Confederacy was that no Iroquois nation should ever fight another Iroquois nation, but since four of them joined with the British, the council had to suspend the league. This let all of the nation’s go their own way and let them select who they would like to fight for. The other two nations decided to fight with the Americans.
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In fact, their support for the new nation did not even earn them a place in the nation they helped to create. For Native Americans, it seemed the American Revolution was honestly a no-win situation. The Revolutionary War also hurt the Native Americans because it interrupted with their fur and hide trade. Before the war, the Natives had been combined into a globalized economy and depended on a lot on European goods. So after the war, many Natives did not care who was the govern in America, but who would supply them the trade goods on which they had come to depend