Pros And Cons Of The Transtheoretical Model

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Pages: 5

Transtheoretical Model

The transtheoretical model is about behavior changes in humans. There are 5 behavior changes that take affect. Changes in my personal life will be weightlifting in order to stay in shape. My family will be going through a spiritual plan to give meaning to our lives. The model will be explained in depth throughout this paper. The transtheoretical model are certain stages in development of a specific behavior. Most of the changes underestimate the environment in our lives. The environment has a big effect on people. This specific model is widely used by practitioners. In order to change, you will have to be ready to change. There are 5 stages of this model. The stage is called precontemplation which is no changes have been made during a six month period. They have lack of information or confidence in changing. Some of the
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I think about the pro’s and con’s of weightlifting, the pro’s has outweighed the con’s. I look on the internet and asked friends what they think of weightlifting. In the third stage which is preparation, I begin to change my habit. I go workout three day’s a week with some friends. Friends begin to call me and ask if I want to come work out with them. The two final stages are the big step for anyone doing this model. In the fourth stage action, my behavior begin to take a big change. I now went from three days to five days with lifting in the afternoon for six months. My family begins to see changes in my social and physical life. They take notice of the changes that have been going on. On the fifth stage of maintenance, I work out five days a week and have not missed a day. I begin to set goals on the bench press, squat, and other exercise that I perform. The support that I have from family and friends has been overwhelmingly and have kept me on the right path. Family is key in changing the attitudes of family