Pros And Cons Of The Treaty Of Versailles

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Pages: 3

Europeans viewed President Wilson as a heroic figure as he arrived to Paris, France. They had high hopes of Wilson would be able to creating lasting peace. President Wilson tried to promote peace, equality, rights, opportunity, liberty, and democracy to the other countries by forming an international organization called the League of Nations and the creation of the Fourteen Points. The United States should have ratified the Treaty of Versailles because it would have benefit all nations.
The ratification of the treaty would bring peace to all nations and could prevent future wars. The first and second points of the Fourteen Points stated that countries need to end all secret treaties and alliances and would allowed merchant ships to travel freely
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Although I believe that the treaty will prevent wars and create peace worldwide if we join. In Article 10 of the League’s charter, it required member nations to work together and even supply troops to keep the peace. Each member nation would only have to supply troops if a nation threatens peace, but peace can be maintained by providing collective security. If the United States approved the treaty and joined the League of Nations it would prevent future wars and instead of being dragged into. The collective security could resolve disagreements before the conflicts escalated into wars started. Republican Senator William Borah of Idaho declared the other countries could “get along better without our intervention.” The United States already became a major world power. Instead of worry about the U.S. being dragged into another war by the League, we should focus on the role of ensuring world peace.
The acceptance of the Treaty of Versailles would allow other nations to view the United States as the world’s peacemaker, but with additional nations joining in the League it would make our job easier. Collective security and self-determination are the keys to a much peaceful world. Fourteen Points and the treaty would eliminate the causes of future wars. The ratification of the Treaty of Versailles would benefit of the U.S. we would also be spreading our ideals around the