Pros And Cons Of Tipping

Words: 449
Pages: 2

Tipping is an Abomination

What are the main reasons that the author dislikes tipping?

Brian Palmer dislikes tipping because he thinks it's unacceptable for customers to give. First, tipping is bad because either customers and workers receive a different amount of tip size. Second, workers can or cannot show demanding work when serving customers. For example, if you use a credit card, then tipping would have a large amount, but for having big parties then you would have a small amount of tipping. Also, the quality of service can depend on how you tip the waiter. Third, tipping can affect ethnic groups when tipping your server. Customers can stereotype and have assumptions because customers can give different amount of tipping from small to portly size. Fourth, tipping can be bad from you perform at work, and employees can sometimes earn a minimum wage of tips.
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In my opinion, we should continue to tip because it helps workers to earn extra money. Tipping can be a small amount of money to show appreciation to someone's service. Tipping can be confusing because you don't know how much money you are supposed to give, should it be a little or a considerable amount. Also, tipping shows how workers provide their service form working hard to earn the money. For example, people can tip a small amount to show that they did a good service. At the same time, you won't see these people who serve you again. Whenever I'm at a restaurant, I would tip my server only if she or he did a decent job, but if my server showed substandard quality I would consider not giving any tip. Tipping can help a person to earn extra to help with financial problems. There are factors why we should stop such as substandard quality of service, a fewer number of tips are given, and can be a negative impact. Also, people forget to tip workers because they don't believe that tipping exists because workers don't get the same amount as their