Prouloge: A Short Story

Words: 579
Pages: 3

When Cece a 16 year old girl came back to her house her mom was not there it was very odd. When she looked back there was her mom in the doorway with a german shepherd. Cece screamed in joy and went to hug her dog she asked her mom, lucy if it was for her she said it was hers. Her name was jollie. Jollie was the happiest dog ever. Cece’s Mom and Dad were firefighters they had fought many wildfires and barely survived they both had night and day shifts and only on occasions got off on weekends. Cece was terrified to be alone for so long so her aunt semone tried to watch her as much as she could. If she was not available Cece’s uncle maron came for other days he was always available.

The pup alert

When Jollie, Cece