Psy 201 Research Paper

Words: 941
Pages: 4

Module one: History & Theoretical Foundations
1. Describe the five steps of the scientific method and identify examples of each step.
1. You formulate a research question.
Example: Does milk spoil when setting out directly in the sun for eight hours.
2. You then state a hypothesis. Example: I do believe that the milk will spoil setting directly in the sun for eight hours because milk spoils quickly when heated.
3. You must conduct a study designed to answer the question. Example: Keep a cold glass of milk in the refrigerator and keep a glass of milk out in the sun for eight hours. Look at both glasses of milk, compare them, and smell them.
4. Then you analyze the results from the data
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6. Identify and discuss at least four disciplines and types of work that psychologists perform in the field of psychology.

7. Explain the relationship between classical conditioning and PTSD. Be sure to identify the UCS, UCR, (NS-Neutral Stimulus), the CR, and the CS.
I believe that in this case the relationship between PTSD and classical conditioning is that the woman suffers with many horrible symptoms, (afraid to be alone, obsession with safety, panic attacks, being withdrawn from others, etc…) after a traumatic event takes place in her life. So the PTSD is caused by her traumatic events.
• Unconditioned Stimulus (US) – triggers a natural occurring response.
• Unconditioned Response (UR) - naturally occurring response that happens after the unconditioned stimulus.
• Conditioned Stimulus (CS) – neutral stimulus that evokes a response that is comparable to the response that the subject had to the unconditioned stimulus after being presented before to the unconditioned stimulus repeatedly.
• Conditioned Response (CR) – is an acquired response to the previously neutral