Psy 270 Week 9 Final Paper

Words: 1137
Pages: 5

Does it ask all of the necessary questions to determine what the client’s presenting problem is?
Yes, in my opinion the form is comprehensive and assessed for multiple areas to lifespan- development and functioning. To begin with, the form assesses for immediate and acutely presenting symptoms in asking the client to describe what they are ‘currently having difficulty coping with’. The form also asks the client to rate the severity if the presenting symptom on a 4-point scale. Clients are asked to evaluate experienced distress in various dimensions, to include biological, social and psychological areas. This questionnaire relies on the client to self-report their experiences, and asks the client to give an overview of the conditions, which are occurring.
Further, the client is asked to document and detail historical information relating to childhood experiences, and medical health. This information will help the clinician identify if a trauma history, or physiological conditions, impact client health and wellbeing. As clinical providers are ethically obligated to provide services only in their area of expertise, such information is important for the clinician to know. Also, it is important to assess whether a referral to a different provider must be made, to ensure client safety and wellbeing.
Finally, this form screens for any
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Establishing a timeline could be helpful in assessing for acute risk factors, and to determine how quickly the client must be seen. Client experiencing dysfunction for several weeks or months may be less resilient or resistant, and may also experience more diminished abilities to cope and manage acute or chronic symptoms. Fairbanks has limited acute care resources for clients with mental health emergencies, thus especially in this community, it is pertinent to establish a treatment plan