Psy 315 Week 2 Math Test Research Paper

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Pages: 7

Question 2. Tests of Between-Subjects Effects
Dependent Variable: Scores on an math test
Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Partial Eta Squared
Corrected Model 1927.455a 5 385.491 19.662 .000 .621
Intercept 56204.182 1 56204.182 2866.674 .000 .979 reinfor 1249.182 2 624.591 31.857 .000 .515 schedule 490.909 1 490.909 25.039 .000 .294 reinfor * schedule 187.364 2 93.682 4.778 .012 .137
Error 1176.364 60 19.606
Total 59308.000 66
Corrected Total 3103.818 65

Question 2. Primarily, the reason for the experiment and SPSS data was to control the mutual effect of reinforcement and schedule on an exam test. The respondents were reiterated with either, a token (i.e., a coupon to rent a movie), money ($1.50 cash), or
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The reason for the research was to control the impact of reinforcement on schedule exam tests, and the factors of the research comprised of the independent variable (variable A) in three levels: token or coupon to rent a movie (A1), money $1.50 (A2) or food such as candy (A3). The dependent variable was two levels (variable B): the schedule that was disbursed at random (B1) or spread out by 15 minutes (B2). In this case, there are 6 conceivable groupings of these variables (etc. A1 B1, A1 B2, A2 B1, A2 B2, A3 B1, and A3 B1.). In order to disclose the main effects in the SPSS, you would push Analyze/General Linear Model/and Univariate. The output for SPSS places is one variable in the “dependent variable” segment and the other two in the “fixed factors” segment (Christensen, et al, 2014). Initiating the analysis, the output would be revealed as the example beneath (Christensen, et al, 2014). The intercept is the continual in normal regression, and looking at the significance/column, two chief effects are seen as notable (Christensen, et al, 2014). During the recording of the main effect, it is vital to have these four portions of data. The necessary data are: the degrees of freedom for a mistake, the F …show more content…
The Aubé, Peretz, & Armony, (2013) second experiment proposed that regardless of the smaller period of the musical slides, particularly for those articulating contentment, individually emotion category was correctly judged in terms of valence and intensity. The prior experimentations the researchers detected a key effect of emotion on memory accuracy; nevertheless, the emotion effect was completely due to an improved recollection for stimuli related to fear, and there was no dissimilarities between content and impartial or blue stimuli. It is possible that the enhanced memory observed for happy clips was, at least in part, due to the larger number of events in these stimuli; therefore, the study had a main effect like the Heredia study. The test of between-subjects effects were tested significant at .000; therefore the reinforcement and schedule are working as an