Essay about Psychology Behavior

Submitted By janethbella
Words: 984
Pages: 4

Psychology Behavior

The figure in question is Nathaniel Ayers (Jamie Foxx), a man whose promising career in music was cut short due to a mental illness.
The movie puts a face on schizophrenia, faced by the 2 million people in our country an unfortunate stigma that affects people with mental illness, reducing them to comic caricatures and tagging them with ugly, hurtful names. But movies like "The Soloist" and "A Beautiful Mind" remind us that real people battling mental illness are normal human beings with a variety of talents and trait just like any other. They could be a brilliant mathematician, a gifted musician or the homeless man on the street. They could be your brothers; my sister, our neighbors, and they deserve the same respect we would give any other human being. Psychology is a social science, because it is the study of how people act or think in society, normally psychologists use's scientific information about chemicals in the human body that regulate mental states. The American Heritage Dictionary defines as, the science dealing with the mind and with mental. In its pure definition the dictionary has provided us with a clue to the answer, it describes science as, systematized knowledge derived from observation study. I am a firm believer of the thought that, “Seeing is believing” and “Changing your environment will change your behaviors.”

The original founder of behaviorism is John B. Watson (Gray, 2011). In Watson’s eyes all behavior was a type of reflex that could be predicted. When I was in high school, playing soccer was a huge part of my life. Whenever I wasn't at school or doing school-related activities, I was living and breathing the field. with early morning and afternoon practices and also working at a coffee shop every Monday. During my practice sessions, I would work with my dedicated coach who took just as much time out of her schedule to provide lessons. It was one of the best experiences of my life. Through playing soccer, there is a considerable amount of learning involved. As soccer player, we have to learn how to eat correct, exercise, sleep on time and the correct form for each skill, the right way to shoot the ball and the right way to attack the defense and take the ball. We also have to learn to plan for each skill before we do them. There is a correct way to enter and exit and the game in other words, how to start and end one. I wondered how understanding could apply to my everyday life, and I realized that playing soccer experience is a perfect example of whether we should focus on behaviorism to monitor learning. According to behaviorism, learning is only achieved through observable changes in behavior, and it doesn't really take into account whether there is any learning going through the mind that isn't outwardly observable. For example during skating lessons, my coach would give me corrections to incorporate into my skills that would improve their form and increase their consistency.

However, I learned and always thought about these corrections in my head, they weren't always observable in the final outcome. I would think and think ahead of time about the right body position and way to attack, but sometimes my body would just revert back to old habits and the correction wouldn't be applied. This didn't mean that I didn't learn what my coach had told me. I learned what I was doing right and wrong, but sometimes it doesn't manifest in my body. The difference here between mind and body was that I understood how I was supposed to execute the skill, but I just hadn't mastere it in outward observable behavior. So, I believe that observable behavior