psychology week 4 assignment Essay

Submitted By amandamiah12
Words: 656
Pages: 3

My personal goal is going to be to get my credit score up in the next three years so I can get a loan for a house. My Fianc’e and I are currently spending four thousand and eight hundred dollars a year renting a house that we will never own. Our goal together is that we are going to get married in two years and then a year later, apply for a loan to get us our first home that we will own together. I have terrible credit which is why I am making it my personal goal to get my credit score up within three years. Getting my credit score up from bad to good in three years is a specific, measurable, and time bound. I will definitely be able to evaluate my progress and make necessary adjustments to attain my goal. The first step for me is to simply start making payments on old debts that I have accumulated. I have actually spoken to a debt collector and set up a payment method that keeps me from building more debt from interest and that is manageable with my budget. Also I am setting it up to where I can pay for the remainder of my college without student loans. I have already seen some improvement and feel I will be where I want to be ahead of schedule. The professional goal that I have chosen for myself is to get my CNA license and begin working for hospice or a retirement center. I want to have this goal accomplished by next summer. I feel this is definitely a specific, measurable, and time bound goal. I know and have applied to three different companies that hire you in and actually pay for you to do the training and receive your certification. However I am not relying on hearing back from these companies as my way of accomplishing my goal. I have done some research and the local community college does offer the training and certification necessary. It costs out of pocket but is very affordable.
My reasoning in having this as my professional goal is it will give me hands on patient experience since I am seeking a job in nursing. I will be able to work first hand with registered nurses and possibly job shadow them. I will be able to first hand learn their job specifications. Making it even easier to transition into nursing, when I obtain my Bacholer’s degree.