Young Person Development

Submitted By aamandapdyer
Words: 1332
Pages: 6

Understand Child and Young Person Development – 1.1 Explain the sequence and rate of each aspect of development from birth to 19 years.
0 to 3 month s

Babies physical development starts from the head downwards, once they can control their head they can begin to master other skills such as rolling over.

Babies find out about the world by putting things into their mouths, they start to cry for attention and begin to sense when their main carer is around. Emotional/Social


At this age they will mainly respond positively to the main carer and will stare at bright shiny colours.They will social smile at their carers from

This stage is known as the pre- linguistic stage upto about 12 months when a child starts to say his first words.They will cry when they need attention, will stop crying when they hear a human voice,they will vocalise when spoken to and when alone.

3 to 9 month s

A baby of this age will begin to kick their legs and wave their arms.They can lift their head and turn onto their front.They can also holds and shakes small items.They are able to sit with support, They can roll over and use whole hand in palmar grasp.They are able to lift blocks and will take and hold a small brick in each hand.They will poke at small items with their index finger.They will also start to crawl or shuffle.

Children of this age will follow movements of large and smaller objects, They are very curious and can be easily distracted by movements.They seem to put everything in their mouths.They will look in the direction of falling toys They will smile and engage with their carers and will start to vocalise with them too.They start to show an interest in other babies and smiles at them.They may show fear of strangers and may become distress away from their carers.They will recognise familiar faces and unfamiliar faces. Becomes quite and turns head towards sound of rattle near head.They will make singsong vowel sounds, for example
‘aah-aah, goo.They will respond differently to different tones of voice.Understand ‘no’ and
‘bye bye’.
They vocalise communication, shouts for attention. 9 to18 month s

They are able to sit without support, they can reach out for toys when sitting.Can use index and middle fingers with thumb in pincer grip to pick up small items.They will begin to stand alone and starts to walk holding on.They enjoy self feeding and will hold a cup with help.They can click two cubes together,They can push and pull toys when walking. will use a spoon, will squat to pick up items from the floor.

They think it is funny to drop toys deliberately,Recognise familiar people at 6 metres away.They can build a tower of three cubes when shown, and will point to interesting objects around them.They will also point to parts of their bodies.

They are interested in all around
(i.e nosey).
They may become more demanding temper tantrums may start.They may start to play on their lone.Adults may start potty training, they will start to have a little idea about sharing and s strong sense of ‘mine’.

They imitate adult vocal sounds, for example coughs, smacking lips.A child will babble loudly and tunefully using dual syllables in long strings.They know there own name and understands about 20 words in context.
They will try and join in with nursery rhymes.
They understand simple messages. 18 month s to 3 years They can walk down stairs with hand held, will try to kick a ball, rolls and throws a ball.They may be able to draw a circle and dots,Use a spoon for self feeding and start to use their preferred hand.They will stand and walk on tip toes, can draw a face and thread large beads.They can also pedals a tricycle.

They can turn pages of books, several at a time, enjoys picture books and can point to a named object.They will copy and cross, draws a person with a head, paints with large brushes and cuts with suts with scissors.

Children at this age are finding it difficult to