Pumpkins Handling Contests

Words: 154
Pages: 1

For Halloween, I and my extended family has a pumpkins carving contest. So what we do first is we go pick out pumpkins, than we pick teams of two, and we each get about three hours on the pumpkins and as we are carving the pumpkins my grandma is cleaning and baking the pumpkin seed and when time is up we all look at each other's work, my grandfather used to be the first judge,but he past a few years back so we have to get other family members to judge the pumpkins. After Halloween passes my grandma makes pumpkin pies. For Christmas we just do Gingerbread building contest it almost the same concept as when we are doing the Pumpkins carving contest. For Easter only a few family members come over and it's still a lot of drama, and the way