Purple Hibiscus: Aunty Ifeomamanda Ngozi Adichie

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Pages: 3

Imagine being the daughter of a dominating father who dictates every moment of your day. In the novel Purple Hibiscus by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Papa is the head of the household and controls all members of his family with strict rules which causes growing rebellion against him creating tension within the family. Aunty Ifeoma, Papa, and Father Amadi all change and effect Kambili in different ways through encouragements, support, and strengthening her mentally. Kambili changes from a quiet, submissive young girl to a strong, confident young woman who has found her individual voice and is ready to pursue her own dreams through the effects of these relationship.

As well in the beginning of the novel, Kambili struggles to live up to the expectations of her father. When Kambili fails to do so “[Papa] [pours] hot water on [Kambili’s] feet,” using abuse as her punishment. Papa believes “‘[this] is what you do to yourself when you walk into sin. you burn your feet... ” emphasizing his strong belief in religion (194). His family gradually fears him and goes to Nsukka as an escape.
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Ifeoma tells Mama, Papa’s abuse “‘cannot go on…’” (213). Ifeoma’s outgoing character aspires Kambili to stand up for herself. She explains “‘when a house is on fire, you run out before the roof collapses on your head,’” explaining the need to speak out and not just stand there and take it. Aunty Ifeoma has her own voice, “‘[she] [is] not paid to be loyal. when [she] [speaks] the truth, it becomes disloyalty,” which shows her belief to stand up for what she believes in is right (222). Adichie shows how if Ifeoma will stand up against such a powerful group Kambili can against Papa. As Kambili hears Aunty Ifeoma talk so passionately about her job it influences Kambili to have her own voice and to stand up for what she believes