Pyelonephritis Research Paper

Words: 551
Pages: 3

Pyelonephritis, Pediatric

Pyelonephritis is a kidney infection. The kidneys are the organs that filter a person's blood and keep it clean. They move waste out of the blood and into the urine. Urine passes from the kidneys, through the ureters, and into the bladder.
In most cases, the infection clears up with treatment and does not cause further problems. More severe or long-lasting (chronic) infections can sometimes spread to the bloodstream or lead to other problems with the kidneys.

This condition is usually caused by:
• Bacteria traveling from the bladder to the kidney through infected urine. This may occur after a bladder infection.
• Bacteria traveling from the bloodstream to the tissue part of the kidney.

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• Blood tests.
Your child may also have imaging tests of the kidneys, such as an ultrasound or CT scan.

Treatment for this condition may depend on the severity of the infection.
• If the infection is mild and is found early, your child may be treated with antibiotic medicines taken by mouth.
• If the infection is more severe, your child may need to stay in the hospital and receive antibiotics given directly into a vein through an IV tube. After the hospital stay, your child may need to take oral antibiotics for a period of time.

• Give over-the-counter and prescription medicines only as told by your child's health care provider. Do not give your child aspirin because of the association with Reye syndrome.
• If your child was prescribed an antibiotic medicine, have him or her take it as told by the health care provider. Do not let your child stop taking the antibiotic even if he or she starts to feel better.
General Instructions
• Have your child drink enough fluid to keep his or her urine clear or pale yellow. Along with water, juices and sport beverages are recommended. Cranberry juice is a good choice because it may help fight urinary tract