Qualitative Interview

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Pages: 3

Qualitative Interview
How? Why? Are both the questions to be answered by this method, thus making this interview a part of an exploratory research; because it seeks for the explanations of events. This type of interview allows the researcher(s) to study with more complexity the processes in their research and to have a purposeful conversation with individuals. Consequently, the researcher(s) would be able to understand the subjects’ perspectives, by gathering first hand accounts of their impressions as well as lived experiences, and how they would feel about their roles and identities.
Within this interview, a schedule exists which dictates that the interview may have predetermined questions or topical areas to be discussed. This schedule will influence how in-depth and interactive interviews should be. Three types of structure for interview can occur: structured, semi-structured, and unstructed. For the structured interview the questions are predetermined and there are answer sets, the semi-structured interview consists on having standardized questions and the researchers is allowed to explore on themes that emerge during the interview, and unstructured interview is the most open style interview which leads to a natural interaction.
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The branch approach consists of having a main topic with questions that branch out of it. Whereas the river-and-channel approach involves many streams of questions that lead to the main channel, but some streams can diverge. Additionally, the researcher(s) must also decide the order in which to ask the questions; diachronic or synchronic. Diachronic would mean that the questions are delivered at the beginning and the progress would happen in a chronological order, whereas the synchronic do not depend on