The Difference Between A Complete Observer And A Participant Observer Is

Submitted By rreynolds987
Words: 488
Pages: 2

Question 1 1. ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------
The difference between a complete observer and a participant observer is
Answer | | the participant observer acknowledges his/her role as a researcher and is free to ask questions | | | the complete observer participates in that which is being observed | | | the participant observer records that which is being observed without the participant's knowing they are being recorded | | | the complete observer only collects data from interviews |
2 points
Question 2 1. ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------
What is an unobtrusive method?
Answer | | One that changes the behavior of those being observed. | | | One that does not change the behavior of those being observed. | | | A method in which the observer goes "native." | | | A method in which the observer asks questions of those being observed. |
2 points
Question 3 1. ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------
One of the skills qualitative researchers must develop is the ability to take field notes. The rule to follow is:
Answer | | Only write down what is significant in some way | | | Record what you observe | | | You don't have to write what you observe, simply document your impressions only | | | Wait until you have a few days to think about what you've observed before jotting down your field notes |
2 points
Question 4 1. ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------
Qualitative researchers are also concerned with sampling. However, they may change their sampling plan to reflect their emerging theoretical insights. This is often called:
Answer | | convenience sampling | | | theoretical, or purposive, sampling | | | random sampling | | | stratified sampling wth a twist of convenience sampling |
2 points
Question 5 1. ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------
When doing qualitative field research, it is important to tape record whenever possible because:
Answer | | People cannot take verbatim paper-and-pencil notes and so things may be overlooked | | | Listening to tapes repeatedly can be boring and so researchers should focus on taking notes | | | Requesting permission to tape allows the researcher to falsely interpret the data | | | Tape recording an interview makes sure the interviewee is truthful |
2 points
Question 6 1. ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------
Field research is often used interchangebly with the term:
Answer | | Participant observation | | | Field experiment | | | Ethnography | | | Covert particiption |
2 points