Racial Discrimination In America

Words: 452
Pages: 2

Discrimination can be viewed as favorable or unfavorable, depending if a certain party receives favors or opportunities, or that party is denied these favors or opportunities. Discrimination is not just among races or ethnic groups, it is among different genders, religions, preferences in partners, and different economic qualities. People discriminate in order to keep their group of people in command and is also viewed as competition.
Racial Discrimination is probably the worst discrimination that this world has ever seen. Back in the 1960s when the riots took place to today when it is hard for some kids to fit in at school, racial discrimination is the most hurtful discrimination in effect but racial discrimination is not just among the whites and blacks, it is among all of the races. Whether that be between the Hispanics, Hindus, Indians, or French, it is among us all. Racial discrimination has been around us for a very long time and at times it looks like it will never leave. Racial discrimination has brought out groups such as the KKK, Black panthers, Tailban, etc. that commit acts that are unhuman. America has had discrimination against minorities for a long time and it will continue to have it until people treat minorities with respect.
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It is as if most of the time there is someone who will not agree with the way you look or your ethnic background. Racism may involve senseless acts committed against an innocent person for no reason, other than the color of their skin or their ethnicity. It is sad to say there are people that do not want someone to do better for themselves or for others just because of their race. It is also sad that many children are brought up in situations that make them more susceptible to conflict when they are taught racial slurs or offensive language they tend to carry with them as they get