Racism In The 60's

Words: 735
Pages: 3

Imagine yourself living in the 1960’s. But first, what do you know about the 60’s? Racism? Segregation? It’s much more than that, ask the watsons what it’s like to live in the 1960’s. Many of the problems faced were caused because of the setting, the theme and the characters, which changed throughout the novel. These are the three most important topics in the novel. To begin with, the time period is a very important aspect in the book. The 60’s were a time when racism was normal which caused segregation. “Colored Folks” were not able to drink, eat, sit, or attend the same school as white people, which impacted the mindset, choices and beliefs of the Watson family. For example, Byron got the “conk” hairstyle, which lead momma and daddy to go to Birmingham, Alabama to …show more content…
Well, the Watsons have been through it all. In chapter two of the novel, the author talks about Kenny’s lazy eye and how treats it as a “disability” because he’s always getting made fun of. When Kenny was talking, the person he talks to only pays attention to nothing but his drooping eye. In the novel the family and many other African American families were treated unfairly. In chapter 15, Joetta attends the Sunday Church School on the family’s visit to Grandma Sands, and soon after everyone in Birmingham hears a tremendously loud “BOOM”. Come to find out the church she went to got bombed, this resulted in deaths of four young African American girls. A little later in the book, the author states that the bombing was due to racial terrorism. Another individual that was treated unfairly was Rufus and his brother Cody because of their social class. In chapter three, Larry Dunn picked on the two brothers for sharing their worn, ripped clothes and then him and Kenny got in a feud and did not talk to him for quite some time. These are some reasons on how the topic; Theme is portrayed in the