Rainbow Research Paper

Words: 676
Pages: 3

Sarah Nicholson

Mr. Gaskill


March 20, 2018


Rainbows are just like what they are in the actual word itself. They are just raindrops in the shape of a bow. Almost like a bow and arrow, they don't shoot arrows of sunlight at you when you're looking towards the sun. There is no pot of gold waiting for you because it is a fake image. The image is just painted by rain and sunlight combined together into one. The rainbow itself is just light being thrown into a half circle of waves that shows color.
Sadly, a rainbow only appears when there is sun and rain. When they both appear in the sky it is magic. The interesting factor is that the sun is straight behind you when the middle of the beam is opposite of the flamed star. The rain in response is located opposite of the beam of colors. Sadly, raindrops aren't like the colorful pictures animators create. Real rain is a bunch of large drops that then are pancaked in the air. In some ways it's like the raindrops have hit the side of an orange and has given the orange a hug; the raindrops are bent as the rainbow is curved. The only way we can see the light is if the sun is not too high or too low in the sky. Like Goldie Locks, the rainbow has to be positioned just right. There is a certain color that matches the
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The color of sunlight is usually white, but the wavelengths mix together with the rain to make certain colors with the degrees it has and position it is from the eye and sun. The circle in the physics of the rainbow is that it is just a half sphere suspended in tons of water, the raindrops themselves are only made to be seen from one's eye. The only thing is that no one sees the same rainbow. They all see their own special rainbow. The only said part is that you need to have rain and sunshine in order to get a rainbow. Then and only then, can you a rainbow's true colors in the blue