Rainfall Hurricanes and Case Studies Essay

Submitted By MairaMora
Words: 631
Pages: 3

Rainfall, Hurricanes and Case Studies
1. Rainfall is the result of air being forced to rise and then turning back to liquid and falling as rain.
2. As air rises it cools and can’t hold as much water as it could when it was warmer. The air eventually reaches the dew point where it is 100% saturated and cannot hold any more water. Above this point condensation occurs.
3. Define Condensation: the change from the form of gas to liquid. When the water vapor lingering in the air is switched back to droplets of water and falls as rain.
4. Explain Convection rainfall and draw a diagram of how it is produced.
Convection rainfall is common in the Tropics, or in areas where the ground is really hot. The sun heats the ground, which warms the air below thus it, starts to rise. As it rises it cools and condensates. So as more of it rises large amount of condensation happens and then it rains. Cumulo-nimbus clouds are formed by convection and lead to heavy rainfall and possible thunder and lighting.
5. Explain frontal rainfall and draw a diagram of how it is produced.
Frontal rainfall is associated with the movements of depressions over the country. It occurs when a warm air and a cold air mass meet, and the warm one rises over the cold air, which cause the warm to cool and condense. Furthermore, as more warm air rises more condensation occurs and rain happens. Additionally, it produces a diverse variation of clouds that bring rainfall between the moderate and heavy range.
6. Relief rainfall: Explain relief rainfall and draw a diagram of how it occurs.
Relief rainfall or orographic rainfall occurs when the moist air, which was created by the prevailing winds that pick up the moisture as they travel across the sea, reaches a coast and it’s obliged to rise over a mountain/hill, thus making the air to cool and condense and form clouds. Afterwards, as more air rises over the mountains it drops the moisture as relief rain. Moreover, after the top of the mountain the air drops down and starts too warm. Hence there is few rain on the other side of the mountain, also known as the rain shadow.

Hurricanes http://www.curriculumbits.com/prodimages/details/geography/natural-disasters-hurricanes.html 1. Hurricanes start when thunderstorms drift over warm ocean waters. The very warm air from the storm and the surface of the ocean mix