Raisin In The Sun Dialectical Journal

Words: 627
Pages: 3

1. The stage directions say that the living room in the Younger apartment might he comfortable and well-ordered, but ''weariness" has "won in this room." What physical details of the living room set show these qualities? What details of the setting show that the apartment is crowded?

The Younger family’s apartment is depicted as very worn down by the narrator describing multiple different physical features. For example, it was explained that furniture was placed to hid worn places in the carpet and the pattern of the couch no longer is shown as the upholstery fades. Additionally, the apartment is shown to be very crowded as the narrator describes the setting. Their small kitchen serves as both the kitchen and dinning room, the old breakfast
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Walter's wife, Ruth, is described as a pretty "girl," who is changing into a "set­tled woman." What has happened to change Ruth's beauty?

Ruth’s beauty has altered to a “settled woman,” not because she has become less beautiful, instead she no longer focuses on making herself look in prime condition to impress everyone. Plus, Ruth has simply just aged to be a more developed woman who does not have to worry about catching the eyes of men.

3. Walter tells Ruth that she looks young this morning and calls her "baby." What do his remarks and Ruth's responses reveal about their
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6. How is Mama described in the stage directions? What does Mama retrieve when she opens the window and what is unique about this object?

Mama is described as a very strong, gracious women that has gone through many things in her life. When Mama opens the window, she grabs a small potted plant. The plant is unique abecause she has always wanted a big garden behind a nice house, but has not ever been able to and the small plant is sufficient for her.

7. What kind of man was Big Walter?

Big Walter, the husband of Mama, was a caring father. Mama revealed that he loved his children very much and worked very hard for each of them. Plus, Big Walter was constantly supportive of his wife and children.

8. How does Mama react to Beneatha's denial of God?

Mama strongly disliked Beneatha’s denial of God. Mama though it was very unnecessary for Beneath to deny God and use his name in vane. The comments of Beneath lead Mama to slapped her daughter and explain that God still lives in her house.

9. Mama compares her plant to her children. How are the plant and the children alike? What does the plant symbolize to