Ralph Jones Monologue

Words: 927
Pages: 4

Today I mysteriously arrived on an island; at least I think it’s an island. I was walking down some rocks and came upon a beach. When I arrived at the beach I spotted this chubby boy with glasses by a lagoon. The chubby boy called himself Piggy, which made me giggle a lot. Piggy and I observed the beach to see if there was anyone else that had survived the plane crash. We didn’t see anyone, but we did come across this large pink conch shell. Piggy suggested that I blow it to lure anyone else that survived over to the beach where we are. Piggy said, “my auntie wouldn’t let me blow on account of my asthma,” (Golding 16) so that’s why he told me to blow it. I blew the conch and it made a very loud noise, which made all the birds fly out of their trees. The noise also brought many of the other boys toward the beach. I guess there were a lot of survivors from the mysterious crash, but they were all boys. Ralph Jones Day One

Ralph Jones
Day Two: First Death

Today I called my second meeting by using the conch. I explained to the group that there aren’t any adults present on the island and that the group and I need to find things to help us in our survival. I made a decision that no
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Not much has happened in the past days. Everything around here has become a rhythm. The littleuns are always playing and Jack and his choir were still attempting to hunt pigs and make sure that the signal fire does not go out. Today while looking at the horizon I spotted something that came as a huge shock at first, a ship. The first sign of being rescued was right in front of me. I was overjoyed because I thought I was finally going to get off of this little island. That feeling ended very suddenly thought when I realized that the signal fire was gone. I panicked for a long time and was so angry with Jack for not taking his responsibility serious. After that I realized that we might never get saved due to Jack’s