Rand Paul: A Case Study

Words: 552
Pages: 3

Rand Paul is 2016 democratic presidential candidate. His policies regarding things such as taxes and the economy, immigration, national defense, and foreign policy, involve refining these systems, and in some cases, making some major cuts. Rand Paul’s plan for taxes and the economy would do just that. Paul wants to completely change the taxation system, by implementing a flat tax. He would also exempt low and mid level earners from payroll tax. His tax plan will also eliminate estate and alternative minimum tax. Another part of Paul’s economic plan involves government spending, which he aims to drastically reduce. Paul wants to eliminate the departments of education, commerce, housing and urban development, energy. To further reduce government spending, Paul also wants to reduce government welfare programs, such as food stamps, Medicaid, and child nutrition. …show more content…
Yet another part of Paul’s economic plan involves social security. Paul wants to gradually increase the age at which people can retire and receive social security. He also wants to reform our social security disability fund, to prioritize those who are actually disabled, and stop giving payouts to those who are faking it. In his economic plan, Paul also wants to audit the federal reserve. He wants this because he believes that it is too secretive and autonomous. The last part of Paul’s economic plan involves energy. Paul believes that the United States economy should run more on gas, oil, and coal. He says that it is the center of job creation, and wants to take advantage of it. Because of this view, Paul is a supporter of the Keystone XL Pipeline. This however, is no longer relevant as President Obama has recently denied it