Rapunzel Research Paper

Words: 562
Pages: 3

The story of the maiden locked in the tower has been known among different cultures for many years. Most popular version, written by the Grimm Brothers in 1812 and later made famous by its slightly different Hollywood adaptation, tells the story about the girl named Rapunzel. Separated from her real parents at the young age, Rapunzel was under the care of the witch, who locked her in the tower. Until one day when the young man found the tower and decided to rescue her and confront the witch. The Grimm version of the story could be considered just another version of the classic fairy tale, but I believe it's something more. It's the story of a journey, but is Rapunzel really the one on it? There's few characters introduced in the story. Rapunzel's mother and father, who traded her in exchange for the rapunzel growing in the witch's garden. Even though her mother craved for the plant as much as she craved for having a child in her life. The husband decided to satisfy her craving for the rapunzel, even though the price was high. …show more content…
She didn't try to leave the tower on her own and did what her mother told her was right without a question. It was the prince's suggestion to get married and leave. Rapunzel agreed, which confirms her submissive nature. Why was she silly? She tells the witch about the prince, by asking : Frau Gothel, tell me why it is that you are more difficult to pull