Rationale For HTSB Standard 10: Leadership And Collaboration

Submitted By Terrihargraves
Words: 397
Pages: 2

Rationale for HTSB Standard 10: Leadership and Collaboration

The Case Study Ed 285 final assignment that I completed in my ED Introduction to Classroom Management class provides evidence that I have met the HTSB Standard 10: Leadership and Collaboration. The Learning Community Case Study assignment was made up elements to support examining the framework of education from the classroom to the community. The assignment allowed me to observe and record the physical environment of a classroom, classroom management, and functions of the school office, teacher-parent communication and community.

I have chosen this artifact for Standard 10: Leadership and Collaboration because I believe it best represents my ability to “seek appropriate leadership roles and opportunities to take responsibility for student learning, to collaborate with learners, families, colleagues, other school professionals, and community members to ensure learner growth and to advance the profession.” I gained a deeper incite to the multifaceted environmental influences on our students. The community is as responsible for student learning as it is for the actions and influence within the classroom walls and student homes. The teacher whom I observed performed appropriate leadership roles with her class, co-workers, students’ families, and community. I observed a teacher interacting with her students’ parents and community leaders while orchestrating a spring Easter Festival. She incorporated many learning opportunities in the event. The class had designed and contextualized the concepts of the seasons of the year and springtime as the period when many plants in other parts of the world bring forth leaves and flowers. They also discussed that spring runs from March through May in the