Ravine: The Differences Between Vinny And Joe-Boy

Words: 338
Pages: 2

How would you feel at a ravine where a boy disappeared? Vinny and Joe-Boy are characters in a story called “The Ravine”. They are 15 years old and are best friends from Hawaii. They traveled to a ravine to jump off a precipice into a coffee colored pond and swim. Two weeks and one day ago a boy named Butchie mysteriously disappeared at the pond. Joe-Boy and Vinny are similar and different in many ways. Vinny is afraid to jump. Vinny walked out without jumping. He didn’t jump because he thought he would get hurt or die. Vinny was weak because he couldn't stand up to his friends. He was persuaded to go to the ravine when he didn’t want to, he even promised his mom he wouldn’t go, but he did. When Vinny didn’t jump he felt peace. Not jumping