Ray Bradbury's Use Of Imagery In 'Manifest Destiny'

Words: 238
Pages: 1

One of Ray Bradbury’s best assets as a writer is his use of powerful and vivid imagery. In This short story, there is a powerful analogy regarding time. The main character, Tomàs, tries to put the feel, touch, smell and other senses to describe time, thus filling the reader with a sense of nostalgia for the desolate Martian planes. This story is a more peaceful parallel to most of the settler’s interactions with the Native Americans during the Manifest Destiny. Just like Tomàs believed himself to be the future and the Martian to be of the past, the influencers in Manifest destiny did as well. No one wants to think of themselves as the past, but their “better” future selves. The Earth man sees the planet as barren and dead, while the Martian