Reaction Essay Self Assessment Checklist 1

Submitted By rmisom
Words: 473
Pages: 2

Reaction Essay Self-Assessment Checklist
Name of Article Reviewed:
Jobs Data Show Steady Gains, but Stagnant Wages Temper Optimism
Author of Article Reviewed:
Patricia Cohen
Full APA citation of article reviewed (to include hyperlink):
Cohen, Patricia. (2014). Jobs Data Show Steady Gains, but Stagnant Wages Temper Optimism. N.Y. Times.

Economic Point 1
List economic point 1 from article reviewed:
The economy may be growing, but not enough for workers to feel the effects in their paychecks.
Title of cross-reference article for economic point 1:
Rising Prices And Stagnant Wages Are Real
Author of cross-reference article for economic point 1:
Sean Davis
Full APA citation of cross-reference article (to include hyperlink):
Davis, Sean. (2014). Rising Prices And Stagnant Wages Are Real. The Federalist.
Does your essay state agreement with article reviewed or cross-reference article author regarding economic point 1 and why?
Yes. Both articles discuss how despite the fact that the unemployment rate has dropped, labor wages are low and the cost of living is higher than what people are making.
Economic Point 2
List economic point 2 from article reviewed:
Wages are what matter to living standards.
Title of cross-reference article for economic point 2:
A minimum wage, but not much of a living.
Author of cross-reference article for economic point 2:
Ilyce Glink
Full APA citation of cross-reference article (to include hyperlink):
Glink, Ilyce. (2013). A Minimum Wage, But Not Much of a Living. CBS News, Money Press.
Does your essay state agreement with article reviewed or cross-reference article author regarding economic point 2 and why?
Yes. Both articles discuss how