Essay on Reading Report Bab 6

Submitted By raafisyahidan
Words: 2216
Pages: 9

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Textual Interactions
This chapter will discuss about how text having interactions between its producers, the text itself and readers. Begin with the process exploration of where readers are positioned by the text and how they decode the text.
Models of Communication
Texts, images or other signs bear a message. The process of decoding it is based on the knowledge, social and access to familiar codes of its reader. It will be difficult for receivers of the message to interpret what the meaning contained in those forms of sign if they do not have the knowledge or any codes which are relevant to them. That’s why the Pictoral Plaque will not be able to be read by any extraterrestrial creature because in simple logic, they do not share a same knowledge with the human being who created the plaque. If they got it, maybe we will never know the message that they received from that image because the way we identify the object will be totally different with them. Off course the communication process is impossibly to be happened. According to Roman Jackobsonthere are six factors that constitute to a communication process. There are addresser, message, addressee, context, code, and contact. Addresser as a message maker will send the message to the addressee a message receiver within any context. Then addressee will decode the message using the familiar or relevant code based on his own. Finally they will possibly contact each other and make them possible to communicate.
We cannot make sense of signs without relating them to relevant codes according to Jackobson who established the principles already noted. He also noted that the efficiency of a speech event demands the use of a common code by its participants. The indicator that Jackobson did not share Saussure’s desire to exclude sreference to the social world is speech communities. However, his model does not account for acts of communication purely in term of encoding and decoding. He noted that there are two reference which serve to interpret sign; one to the code, another to the context.Speech events take place in the social world, and Jackobson was a linguist who emphasized the social function of language.
The concept of a universe of discourse by the philosophical refers to a frame of reference shared by participants in an act of communication. Jackobson also adds that contextual meaning include situational meaning. As we know, in contrast to the erlierstructuralist model, jackobson allocated a role for a situational context and stressed the importance of parole. While these earlier models had focused on interpersonal communication (encoding/decoding).
The Positioning of The Subject
Addresser and addressee are positioned and constructed within a text which is the process in modes of address. Audiences of some text or addressees are assumed by the text maker in some position adopting some identity. To read an advertisement addressee are assumed to adopt consumer identity. Although the subject positioning can also be fail because the not every reader are ideal to some text producers. Since it is free to interpret any meaning within a sign it also becomes unable to set the reader into a specific stance. Another factor in determining the position of addresser and addressee is genre. Within a text genre is a neutral medium which bring the form of the text. It gives several references to readers in framing their interpretation of any text.
Models of Address
The modes of address employed by texts are influences primarily by three interrelated factors:
Textual context; the convention of the genre and of syntagmatic structure
Social context; the presence or absence of the producer of the text, the scale and social composition of the audience, institutional and economic factors