Reasons Rome Fell Dbq

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Pages: 3

The three main reasons that ROme fell was their weak military, economic problems, and their weak leadership. By paying out of a punishment or by paying men to stay loyal is overall bad leadership and economic problems. By not having a strong army, many foreign invaders could get into your civilization and ruin your whole city. First, a weak military, in my opinion, is the main reason why ROme fell. For example in document B it states, “But when, because of negligence and laziness, parade ground drills were abandoned, the customary armor began to feel heavy since the soldiers rarely ever wore it. Therefore, they first asked the emperor to set aside the breastplates… and then the helmets.” (the Roman historian Vegetius). Another example is how in Brain Pop they say how one general went to fight the other general which left empty gaps and allowed invaders to get in. In document C I can see how when one group of invaders accomplished to get into the ROman territory others came in such as the Visigoths who reached ROme first. Also in document C the Hun’s came farthest east but still was very successful, …show more content…
In document A it has a graph of the emperor’s, when they died, and how. The longest reign of the group of these rulers was only seven years and most of them were assassinations! For example the emperor Aemilinus only ruled for one year and he was assassinated. Also in document B it says, “Therefore, they first asked the emperor to set aside the breastplates.. And then the helmets. So our soldiers fought the Goths without any protection for chest and head and were often beaten by archers.” This quote shows that the emperor’s made a bad decision and by doing so their warriors were killed easily. As is said before the emperor’s would pay their army men to stay loyal. All though I put this in the group of economic problems I believe that this also belongs in the group of weak